BON Hotels Launches Partnership with the Sunflower Fund

BON Hotels is the brainchild of Guy Stehlik, built on the ethos of good people, good thinking and good feeling. BON Hotels has a rapidly expanding portfolio of 30 hotels across South Africa, Namibia, West Africa and Ethiopia. The group is excited to announce a multi-tiered CSI partnership with The Sunflower Fund Registry for Africa. 

The Sunflower Fund is a donor recruitment centre and stem cell registry that fights blood diseases like Leukaemia, Aplastic Anaemia and Sickle Cell disease – to name but a few by recruiting and maintaining a registry of donors committed to helping anyone in need of a life-saving stem cell transplant.

“Partnering with business is one of the ways in which we secure sustainable income streams to continue the work we’ve been doing for the past 19 years now and to reach new audiences to recruit onto our registry,” says Alana James, CEO of The Sunflower Fund. “Our vision is to save lives by ensuring that more individuals make it to transplant, and ensuring we have the finance to subsidise the cost of the DNA tissue-typing test is vital to delivering on this vision” continued James.

‘’Nothing in life is more important than helping others. At BON Hotels we consider ourselves to be privileged and we strongly believe that privileged people owe it to themselves and those less privileged, to help wherever we can’’, says Guy Stehlik.  

The partnership between the two organisations will see The Sunflower Fund benefiting from guest donations on check out, incorporation into the BON Angels programme as well as support from the group for the Sunflower Day 2019 campaign.

The Sunflower Fund pays R3000 per DNA tissue-typing test for every donor they recruit. Individuals between the ages of 18-45 years with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of less than 40 and a consistent weight of more than 50kgs are eligible to register. Support the fight against blood diseases and help save lives by registering as a donor. For more information visit or call 0800 12 10 82 to register.

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