This voucher entitles you to spend the value of the voucher at any BON hotel in South Africa
Accommodations are subject to availability. This voucher is valid for the period stated (one year from purchase) and is not extendable. All meals and extra charges are payable in cash, or by credit card upon departure from the hotel. The issue of this voucher does not imply or confer any credit facilities with the hotel.
This voucher is not exchangeable for cash. Any extension of stay will be at the standard rates charged by the hotel. This voucher may not be used for any third-party services that the hotel makes use of. BON Hotels reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any voucher if, in their opinion, it is subject to misuse of any description.
This voucher is not transferable and may not be sold.
The voucher must be redeemed by contacting our central reservations team or the hotels directly.
BON central reservation details:
Email : reservations@bonhotels.com
Contact number: : +27(21) 912 1300 or 0861 266 222