BON Hotel Bloemfontein Central is donating 5 litres of water to all guests passing through on their way to Cape Town during their #halfway2everywhere campaign.
As you know, the City of Cape Town and the Western Cape have been hit hard with a severe drought and are currently on level 5 water restrictions – with the dams at less than 13.5%, residents are limited to 87 litres per person per day and Day Zero is looming. BON Hotel Bloemfontein Central has stepped up to the plate by offering all guests passing through on their way to Cape Town a 5-litre bottle of water as a donation.
Pieter van Rooyen, General Manager at BON Hotel Bloemfontein Central, says that when the rest of the country rallied to assist the Free State during a recent drought, especially the farmers who were in dire need of water, he thought it fitting to pay back the kindness and return the favour.
BON Hotel Bloemfontein Central is #halfway2everywhere, so, if you are travelling to Cape Town, why not make a pitstop? – all guests staying at the hotel will receive 5 litres of water on check-out to take along with them. Deon Smit from Water Shortage South Africa is collecting around SA, and can be contacted for locations of the water drop-off points.
If Day Zero happens, every Cape Town resident will have to queue for water at one of the 200 collection points across the city, and will be rationed to 25 litres per person per day. We urge you to please join this water drive to help the people of Cape Town.
Contact BON Hotel Bloemfontein Central, 051403 8000, res@bhbloemfonteincentral.co.za
Contact Deon Smit, 0827382702, deon.smit@webafrica.org.za