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Keeping you informed on all our GOOD news.

Stay up to date with all our GOOD news and what Guy Stehlik says in his blog. You’ll find all our press releases, articles and blog posts below.

Great Expectations

I was jolted into reality last week at how easy it is for a leader, who is passionate about what you are doing, to fall into the trap of expecting super-human performances from your team.

June 12, 2014

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Shape Shifting

Many business and entrepreneur experts pound into our heads the idea that a new business or a start-up needs to establish its company culture from the outset

May 19, 2014

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Good things come to those who wait

You may recall Malcolm Gladwell's hugely popular book Outliers which is largely responsible for introducing "the 10 000-hour rule" to the masses.

April 1, 2014

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